From my unique vantage point of serving both UK building societies and European banks,
I can see that societies typically differ from banks in the way they
approach technology. Traditionally, mutuals have been very good at
maintaining solid and reliable systems to underpin their core business.
But where building societies have scored less highly to date compared to
banks, arguably, is in using technology to drive innovation.
It hasn’t always been this way:
Nottingham was one of the first users of e-banking in the world, but it
does seem to be the general rule of thumb that this side of the UK
financial services market has been slow to use technology as
aggressively as their banking counterparts. The opportunity for
societies over the months ahead is to redress that balance – not so much
by following where banks have gone before them, but in delivering the
most appropriate experiences for their own customers both retail and
intermediary, so that everyone continues to deliver growth.